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Tuesday 26 November 2013

Dealing With Criticism As An Online Marketer

By Mike Bosch

The notion that a business can be globally esteemed and loved is false. This is true both on the web and off of it. It does not matter how good your business is, you're always going to have to contend with critics.

It is actually what you do when you find out about that criticism that counts. As an Internet based business owner you do not have any face to face interaction to help contradict unfavorable text about you so this is very true. So here's what you should do.

It's vital to respond rapidly to any kind of criticism you see. This is very important. You don't want to just let a terrible review sit somewhere without responding to it. If the critique was left in a public message board, leave a response on the same thread thanking the person for his or her opinions.

State that you will investigate the matter and then ask for permission to contact the individual in private. This gives proof that your most important priority is the development of the best possible product and that you can take feedback well. This should help you earn a great deal of respect.

Actually spend some time investigating whether or not a complaint is about something that actually has to be remedied. People could tell the difference between trolls and honest critique. You don't need to reply to "you suck."

It is important, however, to check out things such as "the format is wonky" or "there is a 404 page where the about page should be." Check everything out and if the change is something you'll need (or would really like) to make, make it. This would prove that you actually do pay attention and will do something only when it's called for.

All your responses should be personalized. If you decide to make a change based on something another person has said, tell the person you are taking what they said to heart and are making things better. Additionally, it is good to put up a post or a response in the discussion board that says, in essence, the same thing.

This demonstrates you do not simply get upset when another person criticizes you. In addition, it demonstrates to them you'll work as hard as you need to work to give them what they need. This is a fantastic idea--even when you choose not to make a change that's been requested. Write that you looked into the matter but have determined to leave things the way they are. Then explain why you did that.

Reputation management is the name of the game when you react to complaint; remember that. If you merely criticize another person for criticizing you, you look stupid. If you dismiss criticism and simply keep insisting that everything is fine, you will look like you do not know your business well.

Keep your ego under control. People, most of the time, aren't attacking you personally. They had a bad experience with your product. This implies something must be fixed so the experience will be better next time.

How you handle criticism tells people a lot about both you and the business you are running. Keep positive with it as well as you could!

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